I had to sell my tractors.

Idaho Ron

I hate to give the bad news but I had to sell my tractors. Some here will understand, some won't.
Last December and January I had a small problem with my Super C. We had a TON of snow and all of a sudden my SC would not run. I have NEVER had any trouble with it. Well I rebuilt the carb, and I replaced the points and the condenser. I replaced the rotor and cap. Well I got it running FANTASTIC. Well the problem was I used the tractor to plow the snow for my Wifes business and for two months the parking lot was a mess. She has never liked the SC or the A that was my dads tractor. Well she bought an ATV to plow the snow for her business and had me sell BOTH of the tractors. We fought about it for a while and I hated to see my Dads model A get sold I learned to drive on that tractor about 35 years ago. The SC was my first tractor I plucked from a rock pile and rebuilt. It needed paint but it was a fantastic tractor. There was NOTHING that didn't work and work well. No amount of arguing was going to change her mind. it was get rid of the tractors or face marital problems that could mount to something serious.
While I loved the tractors I also wanted to preserve the family. SO I sold the tractors. It took me a couple months to post it because it has been a sore spot. Any way, These were the tractors I sold. She better never say I wish we still had that SC. I will blow up. The ATV will plow her parking lot faster but I don't think it will hold up like the SC would have.





Your right, I don't fully agree with the plan. I would have kept the A and sold the SC. I would have also put a plow on my pickup before I ever bought an ATV plow. There is no comparison.
Either way it blows. Sorry man.
I fail to see how she had any business at all discussing the tractor that was your dad's.
I don't see you with this woman 5 years from now. I'd cut my losses early. Your kids probably don't like her much either.
I wouldnt have but I understand your reasoning.
If I were you I would not let her forget it.
That ATV will not last, and that SC like my 140 can deal with 2 feet of snow.
That's deep... I'd sold the SC to keep peace, but kept the A if the sentimental value was that high. It's like I'd sell my A-C 180 before I sold my grand-father's Farmall 504. And the 180 is a better tractor (sorry Red Friends!) I feel there is more to the story, but we will leave it at that.

We feel for your loss of your Red tractors. May one day you get another. By the pictures they were fine machines!

R.I.P. A & SC

Sounds to me like a power play on her part. Unless you live in a High-Rise in downtown Boise, what difference does it make if you have a few tractors?

You'd be better off in Wardner, ID on the Coeur d'Alene River, smack dab in the Silver Valley. $40 an ounce for silver has to be waking up the Valley and Interstate 90.
sell dads tractors,... not a chance. she dont understand. i hope she is plowing her own snow with that atv.
Guarantee a woman that makes you do that has no pride in a family. Keep your eye on the personal ads cause your gonna need them sooner than later!!!
Its tough in a situation like that especially with such personal value on those tractors.

A good close friend of mine faced the same problem 20 years ago. Wife told him to get rid of the tractors or else. He"s been happily married to his second wife for 18 years.
Man , that sucks . I know exactly what you felt & still feel because of having to loose Dads tractor . Back in the 70s my dad decided since all of us kids were gone he didn't need his Ford 601 7 all the equipment anymore . So one day we were over at my parents 7 dad asked me if i wanted his tractor 7 equpment for 2,700.00 . I said yes . My wife said NO . Plus she gave me the same altimatum yours did . So dad sold it to a stranger . I could kick myself over many times for giving in to that woman . Her altimatums were given to me time & time again if i wanted a special tool or piece of equipment to make my project easier . But when she wanted something I never had a voice in it . Well believe me , when a woman starts using the altimatum as a lever of control , she isn't happy being married & will drop the bomb on you eventually . Start now by hiding money & not telling her anything personal , because she is definitely doing that on you . After 33 yrs of what I thought was agreat marriage , she dropped that bomb on me . She made sure when she was done with me , I didn't have any finances , drove me to near suicide which caused me to have a break down . My health went sour all in that same year forcing me to close down my 25 yr prominent business & file for SS Disability . I've also had to file bankrupcy & have been selling off some of my prize possessions just to survive . So, please get your mind & heart prepared for the worst since she's vented her position on mental control . I'll bet she doesn't tell her what she does thru the days does she ? For months before mine left she was apartment searching when I thought she was home or working . I was getting phone calls asking for her & the caller wouldn't say what they wanted , instead would hang up . I was dumb at that point in time with no ideas of what she was doing .She would ask me if she could use my truck once in awhile & dumbie me I didn't know she was buying yard sale furniture & houshold items & hauling them into her new house . Then I learn later on in time , my own daughters & son in law were helping her the whole time , while I'm out working my butt off .I do hope I'm wrong about your situation , but get prepared . I'd also strat moving any savings & checking acct monies around without her suspecting . Play the game ahead of her . They will suck life out of you with the legal systems help .Marriage VOWS are only temporary & mean nothing in this world .I wish you the best . God bless, Ken
Obviously she is more concerned with her own sense of power and control than your happiness. I'd say its indicative of more serious problems than a snow covered parking lot.
What a "female dog."

That was Wrong!! I am so sorry you got rid of your personal past tractors. This woman has no respect for you or your history. I had a wife that pulled some selfish acts at a time I was dealing with the death of our son. I lost all respect & love for her and even though I fought the urge for 10 years I left her after 33 years of marriage, was scary at first but after first day I knew I did the right thing. Was single for 11years , met someone new,dated for five years ,remarried 6years ago and I thank God everyday!!.B.T.W. I now have five tractors (four restored)that duplicate what my Dad had when I was in grade school and she supports me. Best Wishes,Tony
sorry my friend to hear that. my wife gives ne a hard time about my stuff but when a fantastic deal came along on a restored f 20 she looked at me and said"you are gonna buy that aint ya?" it is sitting under tha shelter
!!! have a talk with your wife and if she dont express regret for selling your family heirloom then give her the shaft
I guess I'm blessed to have married a farm girl. My wife was
not thrilled with my tractor hobby at first till my little girl fell
in love with my buddy's JD A. Then my wife told me to find a
JD that her and my little girl could drive. I was lucky enough
to find a cute little JD 420 to restore. My wife and daughter
spend many an hour riding around on the little "JD".

My wife works as a maternity nurse, and has told me
numerous time she is thankful we have a hobby we can do as
a family. On a daily basis she hears about deadbeat dads and
disfunctional families, from other women. She tells me there
is alot worse things I could be doing than playing with
tractors, at least she knows were I'm at.

I side with the majority on this one! Any cold hearted person
that would make you get rid of a piece of the family that you
and your father enjoyed is a manipulative *itch! I am sure by
your post this is not the first time either. The demands will
get greater till she sucks the soul right out of you. When you
are a mindless puppet for her she'll ethier be happy or find
someone else to conquer.


I guess I'm blessed to have married a farm girl. My wife was
not thrilled with my tractor hobby at first till my little girl fell
in love with my buddy's JD A. Then my wife told me to find a
JD that her and my little girl could drive. I was lucky enough
to find a cute little JD 420 to restore. My wife and daughter
spend many an hour riding around on the little "JD".

My wife works as a maternity nurse, and has told me
numerous time she is thankful we have a hobby we can do as
a family. On a daily basis she hears about deadbeat dads and
disfunctional families, from other women. She tells me there
is alot worse things I could be doing than playing with
tractors, at least she knows were I'm at.

I side with the majority on this one! Any cold hearted person
that would make you get rid of a piece of the family that you
and your father enjoyed is a manipulative *itch! I am sure by
your post this is not the first time either. The demands will
get greater till she sucks the soul right out of you. When you
are a mindless puppet for her she'll ethier be happy or find
someone else to conquer.


"While I loved the tractors I also wanted to preserve the family."

You have a B I T C H for a "wife"! (BT, DT.)
Man that bites. It will only be a matter of time until she finds another way to emasculate you. Start documenting now so when you have had enough you can get half the business.
Seems to me you are looking for our opinions on this and want us to enable you.

I've been married once, almost 39 years ago now.....Still at it. If my wife told to me to get rid of the things I have like that I'd be gone. Marriage is based on 2 things, respect and trust. Lose one and yer done. She has no respect for you and cares not one whit for how you feel.....so what in the heck did you do in the past for her to treat you like this? Come on there are alwasy two side to a story.

You got a job? Or are you living off her? She catch you with her best friend???? There is something else you aint telling us here.

Fight was probably not an accurate word. I would say serious discussion. We never fight about anything. Her and the girls (daughters) didn't like the tractors parked at our house they didn't like to look at them. They said they were ugly and made the house look like bad. She really is a great wife, and we do have a good marriage we have been married for 25 years. But she was a city girl and I was raised on a farm. I don't think she was being evil but I don't think she took into consideration how bad selling the tractors would make my son and I feel after they were gone.
She doesn't get attached to "things" like I do. The tractors were neat to have. I used to fire them up once a month at least to keep them running.
I don't own much land about 1/4 of an acre. About the only reason I had to keep the SC was plowing snow, leveling the gravel parking lot and drive way. She is not evil honest. I just don't think she understood the attachment we had to the tractors.
Hate to say it, but she just didn"t like the tractors. It wasn"t about snow removal. Unless her parking lot is big, and if you were plowing it with a SC and now an ATV, I doubt it was, you could have kept the A, sold the SC, and had enough to hire someone to plow her lot for a few years without any of the headaches of having to repair, insure, and fuel your SC. For what you paid for an ATV with a plow, her lot could have been plowed for several years by a private contractor.
(quoted from post at 05:36:07 04/05/11) Hate to say it, but she just didn"t like the tractors. It wasn"t about snow removal. Unless her parking lot is big, and if you were plowing it with a SC and now an ATV, I doubt it was, you could have kept the A, sold the SC, and had enough to hire someone to plow her lot for a few years without any of the headaches of having to repair, insure, and fuel your SC. For what you paid for an ATV with a plow, her lot could have been plowed for several years by a private contractor.

:D You said it. That is what I was trying to say, but couldn't come up with the words.
there are lots of married people that don't like
each other , recognizing it is important though .
This board makes good therapy.

BUT - I imagine the situation is the tip of your iceberg. Something lies deeper.

BTW I"m no Dr., but I did sleep at a .... ok, ok.
YOU gave her the power-Now be the man of the family and take it BACK!If you don't,she will continue to step on you till you're nothing but a smashed bug!
Sounds like it already has led to marital problems. Now you will always resent her for it. Ive been down that road before. Don"t have the wife, but still have the tractors though.
Sorry to hear about such a problem. I'm not married, so my opinion dosen't really matter on a subject like this, but :

Any girlfriend or wife of mine had better accept my Tractors and farming Aspiritions. Those were around long before her and are a very big part of who I am. Anything going up for sale WILL be my decision in the end. If she can't understand and respect that, then we have a problem.

It also sounds to me as if she made a rather large financial and way of life decision without any consideration from her husband and life partner. I understand things like this happen, And I understand your frustration. That would probably have been my biggest arguement.

That being said what's best for me or anybody else on here may very well not be what's best for you, and only you can make that decision. You'll always have your memories and maybe eventually she'll change her tune and you can have a tractor around again. I hope for both of your sakes that you can / have worked this problem out.

Best wishes, Andy
(quoted from post at 03:44:20 04/05/11) ...She really is a great wife, and we do have a good marriage we have been married for 25 years.

Keep telling yourself that, it just might become true if you say it enough.

It seems to me you have some serious problems in your marriage and family. Sorry to hear that.

My Dad had a lot of tractors that I didn't get. The A was his last tractor at the house when he died. I will miss the tractors but my wife is a good wife (she really is) and a nice lady. She doesn't like tractors. I don't like shopping, baby showers and weddings. That doesn't make me a bad guy.
I can understand her side but I don't think she understood mine until they were gone. I will miss them but they weren't worth causing a bad fight or something worse. Can I still be a member of Yesterdays tractor if I don't have a tractor? Ron
For heaven's sakes, I don't see why not. I don't think anybody would tell you to go away because you sold your tractors. If they do, they've got a problem.
I was married one time (22 years actually) been single a while now, like it better, but kinda know where your comeing from, however Dad's tractor is just too much in my opinion. Kinda like selln the family dog. Anyway start lookn for another one (tractor in case you thought I meant wife) if you enjoy workn on or playn on them. Buy something inexpensively and put your extra money into it. SURELY she won't object to that. I still think according to your story she needs a broom to ride instead of an ATV.
With all due respect, I would have told her to F*** off. Any woman that can't understand you wanting to have a piece of family history (The A), and a piece of your OWN history (The SC) isn't worth your time. They're 2,000 dollar tractors, it's not like you had a payment on them or they owed you anything. They were paid off and not hurting anybody. If my woman were to ever tell me to sell one of my tractors or hit the road, I'd ask her if she wants help packing.
She doesn't like tractors. I don't like shopping, baby showers and weddings.

Well using your analogy, since she made you sell what you like (tractors) then next time she wants to go shopping, or go to a wedding, you better tell her to walk her A** back to the kitchen and keep dreaming about shopping. If you don't get to do what you love, why should she??
(reply to post at 0

I am sooo enjoying reading this thread even though it is a serious matter, and sad that I might add, it is pretty entertaining.

Looks like a few more people blew a radiator hose talking about this too!!!5:47:58 04/06/11)
"and if she dont express regret for selling your family heirloom then give her the shaft..."

9 chances out of 10 she doesn't let him do that anymore either!
Of course I don't know your personal situation, but I can tell you it was not just about the tractors... it was about who's the boss. You should be wondering what she will demand next. It doesn't sound like your's is a "partnership". My wife is a "city girl" and doesn't like tractors either, but she would no more demand I give up my tractor than I would demand she give up quilting.
Hi all. I see you haven't had a woman's point of view on here yet. First off, you say you are from farm stock and your wife is a city girl. Perhaps you were attempting to help us understand why your wife has the views she has about your tractors. It truly makes no difference of either person's background, as she knew who you were and what you were about before she married you. This is not a small problem, as previously stated, this is a HUGE problem that could escalate into a GIGANTIC catastrophe. It sounds to me like your wife is a selfish, self-absorbed, inconsiderate woman who only cares about her own feelings. That is the root of the problem. The sentimental value of BOTH these tractors is gigantic. Not to mention the satisfaction that you gained from resurecting the SC from near death. When she forced the sale of that tractor, she took that satisfaction and pride away from you. I am not a tractor nut by any means. My personal view is that equipment comes and goes. My husband has a tractor that I would NEVER dream of asking him to part with for any reason, regardless of condition. I understand what that tractor means to him. (It belonged to his father) You mentioned how she and your daughter didn't like the way they looked in the yard, but she didn't take into consideration how you and your son felt about them. (Not only did she force you to give up a family heirloom that you treasured, she also deprived your son of a precious family heirloom that I am sure he too would have treasured. The A after all, did belong to his grandpa.) More than anything else, her selfishness toards a child is the most chilling aspect of your whole ordeal. I am sorry, but from what I can gather she is truly cold and I think that you really should re-asess your relationship and probably her mental stability. That is unless, as someone earlier posted, you did something terrible to make her extremely angry and now she is seeking revenge. This is much deeper rooted than the sale of a few tractors with no family history. Those tractors meant a great deal to you or you wouldn't be upset about selling them. Look at it from this angle, children learn from their parents. There is the possibility that if you remain in this relationship, either one or both of the children could grow up to be as cold and self centered as she is acting. That is not a healthy way to live. I only wish you and your children the best. Thats more than I can say for your wife.
I went thru a similar situation as you. Married, Two kids and half dozen tractors. Sold the tractors whne we went thru a bad time financially but she gave up nothing. I started to have health problems and then finally bought a house in town for the family. Not even two months later at Christmas she told me she was filing for divorce. Sadly I lost everything going thru the divorce but it was the best money I could have spent getting rid of the leach. Been divorced for 10 years and have more than doubled the amount of tractors I had before. My daughters and I all love the times out working and driving them. We even vacation to national shows each summer. I was love blind to the wench that I was married to and didn't see what she was doing. Looking back I can't believe I missed what I did. Its as plain as daylight now. Keep in touch with the "stranger" that bought the "A" maybe you can get it back some day.

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