Any Interest

Todd Heck

I received an email today and they have fence row tractors. One is a 450, and one is a 706. They think these will run with little work. They are rough and I was wondering if they will be better for parts or to get running.






Personally, if they're all there, I would keep em whole and sell em but if they don't run and are missing some key parts it would probly be better to part em out. Where are they located?
If they are loose, get them running and sell them. If they are stuck, try and sell them whole...if you can"t get what you want for them, then part them out. They dont look to be in pretty good shape though.
That 450 looks like it's still on the first coat of paint.

I don't know about a 706 on gas, but the other three should be quite sellable complete no problem!
Interest, yes. Money, no. Looks like the rubber on the 450 and 706 would be worth a pretty good sum. alone. If I had the money and the time/a way to haul it, I'd ask if the 450 is loose.
If it's the east end of Southern Michigan, I'm interested in the 706, if the price is right. Michigan is 175 miles across at the bottom so if it's over by Benton Harbor, I'm out.

freezer pig @ gmail . com (remove all spaces)

Let us know what they go for if the deal gets made.

The 450 and the 706are sold along with the A. I am waiting on photos of the implements they want to sell but I might go up this week and look at them. I think the 450 and 706 sold for 1600.00 not sure about the A
I will find out later this week. They have know clue what they have so when I go any idea how to tell if it is a belly mount for a H or m? I can take photos and send them to you so you dont waste your time

Not sure. I know it is motor is stuck and it was his great grands dads but he has no need to keep it. If you have a price in mind call me and I will see if he will take it.

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