OT---How to deal with a smart-a**

Way off topic, but I got this young twenty-something guy at my work. His family is one of the big farmers in my area 8000+acres (eastern Nebraska) and he knows I'm out farming my 160 (it's the home place that we rented for years. Through a lot of hard work I was able to buy it from the landlord over the years). I don't know if it's because he knows I do my farming with a Farmall M and a 303 combine. But he's always kinda bragging and doing a put-down. Like when I was talking about my 303 he says "oh, we buy two new combines every year". Then just the other day I was talking about having to replace a tire on my M, and how that our CO-OP doesn't have it's tire truck anymore. And he starts talking about how THEIR coop will come out "anytime we want" to fix a tire for them, "because we're such big customers". Then he launches into a spiel about how during harvest "the COOP calls US up and asks how long we would like them to stay open that evening to take grain from us".

Maybe I'm just being over-sensitive about this guy. But I had to buy our farm from the ground-up after my Dad spent alot of years working here as a renter raising us kids. It sure wasn't easy at times, and we're still here despite everything. When quite a few bigger guys in the neighborhood went belly-up and are long gone.

Sorry if I'm giving everyone a downer with this. But it feels good to get it off my chest.
Next time he pops off, ask him if he'd like to exchange bottom lines. :>)

Show-Boaters never did impress me much.

Next time he pops off, ask him if he'd like to exchange bottom lines. :>)

Show-Boaters never did impress me much.

Don't worry about him much. Some of these guys who were born into farming and are involved in an established operation have no idea at all what it is like to start farming from nothing. They don't know what it is like to work a job full time (and at the boss's whim for what shift you work, overtime, etc.) I don't farm. I help my friends, and I want to farm someday, but the realistic truth is that it is an uphill battle for a "want to" or small farmer. I say listen to his BS and if it gets real bad just ask him what his debt load is. I'll bet yours is less if any. And that is something to be proud of. I'd be proud just from where you stand. My friend's grandpa says, "Farming is not about what you make, it"s about what you spend."
Around here, anyhow, "the bigger they are the harder they fall" when times get tough. Seen it over and over again.
Thanks for sharing as I retired back to the 400 acre family farm here in Missouri after a long career in aerospace as an engineer. I just truly enjoy the freedoms of rural life and the ability to establish "my own day" as I do the feeder calf thing along with hay and the like.
I really enjoy my Farmalls as they were the tractors of the 1940's and 50's when I was growing up around here and grandpa did all the neighborhood thrashing. I was up at our local CaseIH dealership a couple of years ago picking up something for my Farmall M and paid with a personal check. I asked the counter man if he wanted any ID and he said you don't have to worry about those folks farming with the old Farmalls there're making money it's the guys with the new cab tractors and their new combines you have to wonder about. Sounds like Allen has the right come-back as the snot nose kid is probably one of those with a lot coming in but even more going out on a yearly basis. Just be glad you can sleep ever night and doing it from being tired from doing your own thing and making a little to boot. Take care and enjoy your little piece of heaven, Hal.
Like most everyone Ive run across a bunch of those types, but over the years Ive learned to ignore them or actually feel sorry for them because they have their own personal problem in that they have some urgent need to try and impress others. Maybe its a lack of self confidence or low self esteem or lack of maturity. Im thankful and feel sooooooooo fortunate (sign of old age n maturity) that I dont have to impress anyone nor really give a _____ what others think of me. My allegiance is to God, Family and Country, NOT some punk kid. Once you reach that level and let all that stuff go it feels sooooooooo good and brings such peace when you are confident and happy AS YOU ARE WITH WHAT YOU HAVE with absolutely no need to impress others or keep up with the Jones's DARN THAT FEELS GOOD....

Do not stoop to his level or get sucked into his personal problems or give him the satisfaction of a response (let alone try to reason or argue), just smile and agree with him and that will reallyyyyyyy get to him lol

Think about it, you sound happy and content for all the hard work and all you have accomplished, so why waste any of your life or peace on some young jerk?????????? Why let it matter one darn thing what he says or does. Remember the "Tranquility Prayer" You dont have control over others or have a duty to fix their problems, just take care of yourself.

Feel better?? Sorry for runnin on, hey I'm called a "Counsellor" ya know

Ol John T
Just remember... you earned it. He's earned nothing, which is why he wants to boost his ego at your expense. He's looking for respect based on what others have.

Ignore him with "Well, at least I earned it!"
Ya, the coop will 'cater to em' cause of the $$ they do; or, if they are in debt to the coop, in which case they are hoping to recoup some of the debt. I have a friend who used to act a little that way but, he can't farm anymore and he got taken down a notch or two all of a sudden. These big-in-the-britches crop farmers couldn't and wouldn't be in it if it weren't for the federal subsidies! Now I know not all, but many till fence row to f.r. or treeline to t.l. unless they have bulldozed the above all out and don't give a rats sphincter muscle opening about grassed waterways in the fields; the damage they may cause to someones sod, etc. to do there farming. I have discussed this with 'old time' farmers and youngers as well; I don't think this country is any better off now without the family farms, main street businesses, corner mechanics, SERVICE stations, milk trucks hauling to the local creamery/cheese factory, and someone LIVE on the other end of the phone. It is folks like you and others who don't overdue it, make their payments, take pride in their operation because it is a family operation, and hopefully support the little cafes/bakeries/local beer/bar burger joints that make this country great. OUCH, this boards wise fellow from NE made a sharp point. I'm glad we both got it off our chests. I've got to go reheat my coffee.
As long as our government has a cheap food policy, then I dont feel guilty taking the subsidies.
You don't need friends like that and you will live longer not talking to him.

I know alot of the big farmers and they help out and they don't talk down to us. Our little 200 acre farm.
Yep sounds like one of those that has been given every thing in there life so they do not know how it is in the real world and how it takes hard work to get any place and even then some times all that hard work doesn't get you there.
So do as the good book says if it causes you to sin then do not get around him so he can not cause you the problems. You sort of remind me of a man I knew when I was younger who rented a farm in NE he worked hard to make a living. Shoot you might even be his son if your name if Glenn
He might be one of those Farmers that lease's everyting and when they them in with out ever doing any maintance to the equipment so its next to junk but looks new.
I would love to beable to farm what you you have! You take pride in your work!
It has nothing to do with the government subsidies. You think he farms big for that $20 an acre payment? Its all about money in versus money out. With some of the good crops of late and good prices he might be doing pretty well. More than likely since he is working an off farm job he isn't really too big of a part of his families operation at this point. Just running his mouth. Nothing wrong with farming big and running new iron if it is done right and you leave your neighbors alone and pay your bills. There are some real rotten egg big farmers out there for sure. By the same token being a small farmer doesn't make you a better person than someone who farms big. As for the government subsidies I wish they would have done away with them years ago and save them for when corn goes back to $2.50.
Did you ever stop to think just how many people on here never lived a day of their lives on a real farm or had the chance to buy out the family rental homestead and make it their own. Quit staring at the stars and look at the dirt at your feet. It belongs to you, is something to be proud of and NOTHING anyone says can take that away from you.
I bet thier bank overdraft is bigger than yours too! There are idiots like that the world over, just give him the time and space he needs to stuff it all up, all on his own.
We have the same person around here. Years ago when he was in high school, he would constantly brag about "his" equipment and make fun of ours. A mutual friend made the comment to him that at least ours was paid for. Now in the last few years his father is turning things over to him and he has asked to borrow some of our "old" junk. Kind of makes me smile on the inside.
I would just look him in the eye and make the honest statement " I would never trade you the complexity of your farm, and the paper headaches it must provide, for the tranquility of my modest acreage".

Never argue with idiots. They drag you down to their level and beat you with years of experience.
dude sounds like a weenie probably real insecure if all he can do is cut down other folks stuff . just hang in there and when mister weenie goes belly up make sure to go to his auction and let him know how you got his stuff at a bargian price!
If he really pizzes you off then give him 2 shotgun shells and tell him to off himself. Tell him you are giving him 2 shells just in case he misses the first time.

What you can tell him is that rich kids like him are weasels riding on their dad's coat tails and he will never amount to anything on his own cause his parents coddle to him.

He might shut right up.
Fool's names and fool's faces always appear in public places........

When "wisdom" is touted through an open mouth, it is often lost through that same opening.....................

So, if grain,corn or soy prices end up in the basement, who will still have their operation and who won't. We had what now adays is considered a small farm, 400 acres. 200 head of dairy and 5000 chickens, and enough feeder pigs to keep us in pork all year. BUT, we owned the place. No mortage, and NO LOANS. Dad/grandad let grandma keep the books, and when spring planting came, she had money stowed away for fertilizer, fuel, and seed, and it got replentished (or increased) every year (except on the bad ones). Those farms that are that big can't start up in the spring or service the equipment in the winter without loans because they take the profit off the top, and pay the interest. Grandma's way keep us away from the bank loan officer. In the end when we quit farming, that kitty was their retirement fund. The only loans I ever heard about where when a new piece of equipment was bought, and that got paid off the same year.

I know it probably doesn't work that way now, but it sure seemed to work 40 years ago. We never had alot of extras, but we always had plenty to eat, clean decent clothes for school and church, and we never seemed to be worried that the bank was going to take the farm or the equipment back.

I like that way, and that feeling that when everything around you was in the dumper, things got tight, but never ever did we go without.

sorry for the rant.
When my kids were in school, there was one that bragged about his dad buying a new car or pickup every year. Another kid asked him why his dad didn't buy one that would last!
I remember my uncle commenting back about 1970 that once he saw "big equipment" (big for back then) showing up on a farm in the area, he'd see the farm for sale within about five years. He was generally right.

Mark W. in MI
I think I'd bring up the tire subject again. Then when he brags about his family's relationship with their Co-Op, say, "Hey, that's great. Do you have enough pull with them to get them to pay me a visit, too?" It will be a good test; he'll have to either help you out or admit he's a blowhard.

In the future, more of the same. Try to turn every one of his brags into an opportunity to help you or someone else. He'll stop eventually.

Mark W. in MI
That's my question. If the family was making so much money farming - why are you working here for peanuts?

Or, You must be working here to subsidize the farming operation.
LittleFarmer--Don't let the guy get to you. Like yourself, I've been a lifetime small farmer who started-out with nothing. Way back in the 1970's when farming was flying high I had this kid in my high school class who was always bragging about how big they farmed and their new equipment, etc. After he graduated, he went into farming with his dad and they went bust in the 1980's farm crisis. They stuck our local Coop with a wagon load of unpaid bills that almost sank the Coop.
Really, Dont even pay much attention to it. Alot of people would Kill(me included after college) to own a farm your size. If you like it then your right where you need to be
While the statements this guy makes may be true (money DOES talk), the way he acts toward other PEOPLE shows a lot about his character as a MAN, or lack there of.
I have to agree with a couple of the other writers, do the charmschool thing or just knodd softly and smile and the whole time thinking why is this jacka** even talking. I have been around alot of KIDS like this they come and go in my industry all the time and I am still here when they leave.
Everyone that is saying ignore him is probably right. However, I would slap him upside the back of his head and tell him to shut the heck up, that I never asked his opinion on anything, and if I wanted it I would beat it out of him. A verbal raping might bring him down a notch.
I worked with a man that told me that his house cost more than my house and furniture. I told that may be true, but my house and furniture is paid for and your's isn't. He never mentioned it again. Hal
Your blood, sweat and tears allows the head to be carried very high. No bills, no need to bow. Give it a little 'KISS'; 'Keep It Simple Stupid'. There are more small farms than large, so, more management minded people.

....ask him why he is working off the farm with you if his farm is as big and prosperous as he says.....

....he likely is working there because he isn't worth a d@mn at home so his family doesn't have him helping....

Reminds me of a guy I knew, could rhyme off how great his (family) farm was, but didn't know what models of tractors they had (wasn't like they had dozens) and when asked what work he actually did on the farm he couldn't answer....
Tell him since he obviously doesn't need the money, he should quit so there's an opening for someone that needs a job. Dave
(quoted from post at 05:56:28 11/22/10) Everyone that is saying ignore him is probably right. However, I would slap him upside the back of his head and tell him to shut the heck up, that I never asked his opinion on anything, and if I wanted it I would beat it out of him. A verbal raping might bring him down a notch.

That's exactly how I would handle the situation, but then again I have no paitnence for ignorance.
Can not every one get along :?: Like my old boss use to say "Give them enough rope they will hang themselves". Just sit back and watch them. Bigger is not always better. Farmed 180 acres Dairy with 50 head and had more money and time than the bigger farm neighbor who always wanted to get bigger and could not figure out why he never made more money ( bigger brings twice or more expense with it). Seen it happen to many farmers and bussines owners. Lets just let this subject drop before we all get mad at each other. Thanksgiving is coming and we should be thankful for what we got, by hard work and sweat and we can call all our own with no bank knocking at our door.[/quote]

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