Super A Expansion Plugs

I am rebuilding an engine on a Super AV. I am replacing the expansion (freeze) plugs on the front of the block. One plug is 1 5/8 inches and the other is 2 inches. The auto parts store gave me the concave plugs that you put in the hole and tap with a punch to force then to flatten and expand. Is this the correct plug? Has anyone else used these on their block? Am I correct in assuming that these are the plugs I need because of the shoulder inside the plug hole? Any feedback is appreciated.
You have the correct plugs. I like to use a very small amount of sealer around the circumference of the plug before placing the plug in the hole and then tap with a ball peen hammer to expand the plug. If the engine is out of the tractor you should replace the ones in the rear of the block at the same time.

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