Super C farmall distibutor ?????


What is the most simple way to reinstall a distributor and drive on a super C ?? The IT maual I have is about as clear as mud since it covers so many models besides a C !!

Dustin IL
bring number one cylinder up to top dead center, aim rotor at number one on the distributor cap, stick the distributor in its hole and put in the bolt.
There are timing marks on the crankshaft, camshaft, and governor gears. If you have a distributor the governor gear does not need to be timed.

Start with the distributor adapter housing attached to the governor without the distributor attached. With the number 1 spark plug removed, slowly crank the engine until you feel the piston coming up on the compression stroke. Stop turning the engine when the piston reached Top Dead Center. The TDC timing marks are on the bottom of the clutch housing and on the flywheel. When the marks are aligned you are at TDC.

Looking at the distributor cap while it is attached to the distributor housing, locate the number 1 terminal. Most caps will have a small 1 in a circle between this terminal and the coil terminal. If your cap is not marked, hold the distributor with the primary terminal at the three o:clock position. The number one terminal is the one between three o:clock and twelve o:clock. Put a mark on the distributor body to mark the location of the number 1 terminal and remove the distributor cap. Turn the rotor until it aligns with the mark you made indicating the number 1 terminal. Install the distributor into the distributor adapter with the primary terminal at the three o:clock position. Install the clamp bolts.

Leaving the clamp bolts loose enough that the distributor can still be turned, rotate the distributor clockwise moving the primary terminal toward the four o:clock position. Slowly rotate the distributor counter clockwise until the points start to open. That is the point where the spark will occur.

Thank you very much Owen you should write these books !! Your directions much more clear for us not so mechanically inclined !!!


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