white farmall

Mr. Coombs

New User
My grandfather who has had in excess of 60 Farmalls now has in his possession a white H. I cannot find anything about an H being white from the factory on the internet, only A's and B's. However he says the paint looks factory. Anybody know how I could find out a history about this particular tractor through it serial #. Thanks
(quoted from post at 20:30:19 01/23/10) I have been told that IHC would paint a tractor any color you wanted for a small fee.

I've heard that too. I've seen a black one at a show, guy said it was ordered from IH that way, don't know how true it is. I know I've seen Yellow H's and M's from industrial or state use.

First thought of a white farmall, would be a demonstrator model. But I don't know if they ever did the H in a demonstrator from the factory. I've only seen A's and C's, but I guess it's possible.





Only history you will find out on that H would be the owners dince it was brand new.I-H only painted SA,C and Cub White during March 1950at Lousivill plant. The H was built at the Farmall works.
There is no such thing as a "White Demonstrator" H or M.

If someone tries to convince you that their H or M is a "rare" white demonstrator, they're just spinning tall tales.

If someone tries to sell you an H or M at a premium price because it's a white demonstrator, they are screwing you over.
I read for large orders, any color scheme could be accommodated at the factory.
Some models also had a red and gold demo model paint job.
Weather they where white or not. this one had white all over it under the orange that was under the red. Correct or not we think it looks good. The tractor was made in early 1950 also has the 7 mph 4th gear.

The axle in the first picture had to be replaced because it was cracked. If you look at the first picture you can see white, orange, and red paint. This tractor is not a show tractor, she see's her share of work in the summer. The 7 mph 4th gear is great for raking or tendering. Hope everyone enjoys
One quick question regarding white/demo tractors.

If you have a Cub made in what looks like late February 1950 SN100928(based on serial no.data from tractordata)does that make a demo. model or just "potentially" a demo model?

Obviously a very old red repaint currently with a dual cylinder Henderson loader. To me, originally white or not is not the big issue more novelty , just curious how one determines if it really was factory white short of looking for a spot the original paint is still intact.

thanks in advance
No one knows if all the tractors in the accepted range of 99536-106511 were white. I have read that IH stopped painting them white at some point and then started again. So, you really need to find white in out of the way places as the dealers likely did not completely disassemble before painting. I have a potentially white C with the original serial tag missing. A replacement was just a generic blank tag with only the SN stamped on it. I completely stripped the red and underlying white paint off and repainted it red and installed a new more or less authenic tag (so shoot me, I don't like white). Thus there is no proof, other than a few pictures I took that the tractor was white. On most the white paint will jump out at you, pretty much proving it was originally white.
Thanks for the info!
That was sort of what I was planning to do, one of these warmer days I'll go hunting around over the Cub and see if there is some white hiding somewhere.
It would be nice to prove it was white.
So I guess if yours falls in the serial number range and you can "visually" prove it was was white ,it was truly a demo tractor.

Again thanks for the education. This forum is really a wonderful source of information.


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