A White Christmas???

John A.

Well-known Member
Guys, Well Ya'll have been playing in the Snow and mush for a while now. But here in Central Texas is more of a Novelty. Started about an hour ago w/ 30 MPH wind. Really big flurries so far, little to no accumulation. Will sure enough put a lot of egg on the local weather mans face. They didn't mention it last night!
All the kidds who haven't seen snow will have a treat to at least see some! A White Christmas probably not, at least in the sense of Ya'll up north. Flurries will be the main extent of it all. Just thought I would share!
For Central Texas it is a rarity!
Merry Christmas Ya'll
John A.
Weatherman predicts 18 to 20 inches in central Mn. by the time it is over. A white christmas is always nice. Have a good one.
We're getting freezing rain in western Michigan right now. Maybe 1/8" so far, but that's all it takes! Four-wheel drive pickups sliding at 25 mph.

Mark W. in MI
Howdy from s.east michigan, about 3/4 inch of snow, migth rain later or tomorrw, we had way more snow last year
you all have a great day tomorow and lets hope next years is a alot better
Rained all night, at 7:00 this morning started iceing things up, by 9:00 it was sleeting, by 11:30 was sleeting hard, by 1:00 it was snowing alot, by 3:00 I never seen such big snow flakes and comeing down so heavy, by 4:00 a fine snow and 35 to 45 mph winds. Spent the afternoon hugging the wood stove, looking out the window at my small wood pile.
Just heard on the radio it was upped for totals between 19-24" from the entire storm. Sounds like Saturday will be a good day for snowmobiling... Ken in central MN
Well im in south western ontario Canada and its Christmass and there is no snow. They are calling for rain today, i hate it ,wish there was snow. Merry Christmass to you all.Erik..

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