E85 U$E IT!

As alot of you know i have a 2001 windstar just past over 50k mark ran 95 % on E85. My car did not blow up or melt down or none of that. I also been running it in my wifes 2001 mustang. my farmalls also run very well on it. The farmalls are cool cause you can adjust to get max power out of it. As OIL runs up the SUPER SPIKE it will keep hurting our bottom lines. I say support farmers in America And if we cant grow enough corn for overseas oh well. I say lets see the middle east turn oil into food! Cut off exports and lets use alcohol as a bridge till we get somthing better. John
Alcohol is not a viable source of fuel. It takes more than a gallon of oil to produce a gallon of ethanol.

Ethanol also has less BTU's per gallon than gasoline.

It is subsidized by your tax dollars.
> Alcohol is not a viable source of fuel. It takes
> more than a gallon of oil to produce a gallon of
> ethanol.

Not true, though it comes close.

> Ethanol also has less BTU"s per gallon than
> gasoline.

True. Use diesel. It has more BTUs per gallon than gasoline.

> It is subsidized by your tax dollars.

(quoted from post at 16:08:14 06/03/09) Alcohol is not a viable source of fuel. It takes more than a gallon of oil to produce a gallon of ethanol.

there are very useful by products produced as well.

Ethanol also has less BTU's per gallon than gasoline.
True, but it's that many gallons we don't import.

It is subsidized by your tax dollars.
So are millions of illegal aliens, I'd rather see my tax dollars spent on ethanol!
Ethanol does act like high octane fuel but an engine uses a lot more ethanol to make the same power as unleaded gas. Also ethanol absorbs moisture, so if you live in the frigid midwest, such as myself, you need to use heet or fuel dryer and antifreeze. Which more than makes up for the cheaper price tag. I am not anti-america or anti-american farmer, but we need to come up with something better.
Sounds like you have some bad info. The new plants get several gal of the Ethanol from a bushel of corn and the by-products are also valuable for livestick feed we are even exporting the DDG. Corn exports are high and carryover is high and the price of food only raised around 1% due to the price of corn. And the price of corn is down a bunch from last year BUT the price of food hasnt dropped.
Ethanol is a good substitute for oil if made from something other than corn. Making it from corn is the most ridiculous thing you can think of; because, it takes nearly a gallon of oil to make a gallon of ethanol plus all the water that is used in the process. We need to be making ethanol from other organic matter like they do in Brazil with sugar cane. Roger
Why would you want to add gas anti freeze to ethanol, gas anti freeze is nothing but alcohol and both will allow gas to burn water. I do not like the fact that in Missouri when you buy gas you buy 10% ethanol by law and I get 2 mpg less than straight gas and the stuff eats lawn mower carburetors.
yeah but still comes from towell head's oil (the same towell heads that wish you did not exist)...did you mean BIO diesel?
Has anyone used E-85 like they used to use "distilate" or "Tractor Fuel" like they used to use in F-20s? That is, start on gas from the small tank and switch to E-85 to run.
I have run ethanol in my 2003 chevy 3/4 ton pickup since new. Never had a problem with any sort of moisture in the tank. I live in Nebraska where it can get pretty darn cold. And hot. And everything in between. My fuel milage sucks either way. Dang 6.0 liter.
I am also a cattle feeder and I have to say the distiller grain made a these plants from corn is one of the best feedstuffs at a fairly reasonable price making your hamburger or steak cost you less. I will keep using ethanol.
Dont need to. Ive been running it in a couple of tractors for a while now. One just happens to be my F14. Only problem I have found is it doesnt seem to keep quite as long as gas does, but I only keep a couple of gallons in it at a time. When my M is working, I run it all day long. I did notice it takes a little more to do the same job though.
Everybody has an opinion, here's mine:

All you have to do to determine the viability of ethanol is take away the subsidy. Farmers were eager to produce corn at $3.50 per bushel and you can make ethanol with $3.50 corn and compete with gasoline.

Unfortunately in this country there seems to be few in public positions who truly will take a neutral view of things. I looked at a study which said how much oil it took to make a gallon of ethanol. Included was the oil equivalent to fire steel mills to make equipment. Last time I checked, coke was a petroleum byproduct which cannot be converted into gasoline or diesel. So they lied. The study also assumed every farmer bought a new tractor every two years and threw away the old ones. That also is not necessarily so. I actually knew a farmer who seemed to be successful and was using a ten year old tractor.

I believe ehtanol subsidies were necessary to get it off the ground, and also believe it will be viable when the subsidies are phased out. When the market prices corn and gasoline it becomes apparent whether ethanol is viable but we haven't had a chance for the markets to settle on a stable price for either. Unfortunately there is misinformation on both sides.

Fuel economy: My son was claiming he got 10% better fuel economy with straight gasoline. I checked my car carefully and found no difference. I am sure it depends on the car, how it is tuned, and driving habits.
You keep saying "it takes more than a gallon of diesel to make a gallon of ethanol."


Replace gallon with BTU, and you will be about right. I think the current widely-accepted exchange is around 1.8 gallons of ethanol for every gallon of diesel burned.

You burn 139000 BTUs worth of diesel (1 gallon)

to get

136800 BTUs worth of ethanol (1.8 gallons).

A net LOSS of 2200 BTUs.
Every time somebody says something about ethanol here comes a bunch of people saying it takes as much diesel to produce it as it makes.Thats not true.Also if its made from sugar cane it makes way more ethanol and removes a step from the process.I dont know if whats left over is good for feed with the sugar cane.Plus there are people working on making ethanol from switchgrass,corn cobs,corn stalks,tree bark,and lots of things.Until you do a little reading about it why dont you all get off of the bandwagon that is saying ethanol is no good.Ethanol is a good thing,even if it is made from corn.Also all that Heet and other stuff is alcohol,look at the ingredients.Thats just another kind of ethanol,which is actually what ethanol is,alcohol.I think they call it ethanol instead of alcohol to keep drunks from drinking it or something.Every gallon of ethanol we make saves us having to buy a gallon of oil from somewhere to make gas.Also better hidden and never mentioned is gasoline,oil production all have subsidys.I read where there is a lot less BTU loss than some claims as well.
Maybe its not perfect but its keeping some people working and the money here in this country.That seems to be less of an issue with anybody anymore but that doesnt mean its not important.If we dont have something for people to do and try and keep some money here we are digging ourselves deeper into a hole that we might not be able to get out of.When you find yourself in a hole stop digging.Do more research on ethanol,I know its hard to find because of the snow job being thrown at it,but there are good reasons for us to use and make ethanol.Plus not every drop is made from corn as you will find out and lots of other crops are better than corn for making it,we just usually have a huge surplus of corn every year.They pile a million or more bushels on the ground 12 miles from where I live in Missouri.They cant begin to use all of that at the ethanol plant,but it uses as much as it can,the rest goes on the railroad eventually,its all gone now from last fall.Before ethanol farmers were going bankrupt growing corn that they barely broke even on.Now they do a little better but the price of everything else is jacked up to where they are almost back where they started.Farmers are not getting rich off of ethanol.Farmers can grow corn with the equipment they have.If you take ethanol out of the picture corn will be worthless,what few farmers are still around will go bankrupt,and you will starve.Now when you figure on that happening you might think differently about ethanol.
(quoted from post at 16:01:44 06/03/09) As alot of you know i have a 2001 windstar just past over 50k mark ran 95 % on E85. My car did not blow up or melt down or none of that. I also been running it in my wifes 2001 mustang. my farmalls also run very well on it. The farmalls are cool cause you can adjust to get max power out of it. As OIL runs up the SUPER SPIKE it will keep hurting our bottom lines. I say support farmers in America And if we cant grow enough corn for overseas oh well. I say lets see the middle east turn oil into food! Cut off exports and lets use alcohol as a bridge till we get somthing better. John
Johnnnnnny2006: Aren't you the guy who, a year or two ago, wanted to shoot at the high school boys in the green Ranger truck whom you thought were stealing your gasoline? How can we take advice from you with a mindset and temperment like that???? If we listen to you, we'll ALL end up in Sing-Sing doing life without parole (Guys in stripes driving old Farmalls on the prison farm). But, I guess we'll be pumping E85 into the paddy wagon and the warden's sedan whenever we draw time on the prison motor pool detail.....
I don't believe that "towell heads" is a racist comment because any race could wear a towel on their head thus being a towel head....
When is this country gonna wake up and realize that there are people out there that really wished we didn't exist? Their goal in life is to get rid of all of us here. What happened to America, the country that no one dared to tick off? I thought at one time we were the envy of the world... now we seem to be a bunch of "sheeples" i mean people, who are so afraid of upsetting anyone that we will put our own selves in a bind. I seem to remember a time when we were the greatest country in the world, now I think we have turned into a bunch of sissies trying to please everyone and that will never work its just not possible. I love America, and am not ready to give her up and my way of life because someone else says its not the correct way to live.

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