Farmall cultivators

John DeForge

New User
I have a set of farmall AV cultivators (vacuum lift) for sale cheap. I am looking for a set of farmall super AV cultivators. I believe the ones off a high crop 140,or 100 series would work. Thanks
Your lift is a exhaust lift system and all you have to change is removing the lever assy and replace with a set of hand lift levers the cult is the same. Do you need help to get your current system to work.
Gene's right. All you should need is the linkage to go from the cultivators to the Touch Control arms. That's got to be the same on standard Super A or hi-clear Super AVs.
The cultivators that I have are completely different. The ones for a super A (which I already have on another tractor) lift from the front on the front gang. The older ones that I have and were told come off a vacuum lift, lift from the rear. The mounting plate from the rear gang has the bolt holes farther apart than the ones from the super A. I suppose that I could weld and drill these but they look completely different than the ones that I have seen off a super A. I was told by several people that the super a and the av cultivators were different as the ones from a super a would not go into the ground correctly.(Not enough adjustment to make them level when you let them down. Is this correct?

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