86 Hydro decal

Bryan, WI

New User
I just finished up painting our 86 Hydro and went to order decals at our local IH dealer. The tractor has the same black stripe decals as the 686 and the set for the 86 is supposed to include a foot long segment with the "86 Hydro" name that covers up the 686 number on the long International stripe. The dealer came up with everything except the left "86 Hydro" badge (left and right sides are different, reflections of each other). I was told this side was discontinued, while the right side is still available. Go figure. Does anyone know of any places or manufacturers that produce decals for a later model IH tractor like this? Thanks, Bryan
Why would one side say "Hydro 86" and the other side say "86 Hydro"?

I would just use the same tag on both sides.

Here is example of what I am talking about Bryan.

I know these are just models but they usually try hard to mimic the real thing.

<a href="http://tinypic.com" target="_blank">
n1846u.jpg" border="0" alt="Image and video hosting by TinyPic

<a href="http://tinypic.com" target="_blank">
16c9hzd.jpg" border="0" alt="Image and video hosting by TinyPic

As you can see the decal is the same one for both sides of the tractor.

(quoted from post at 05:50:22 02/06/09) Why would one side say "Hydro 86" and the other side say "86 Hydro"?

I think you'll find that that is why they discontinued the left badge. Someone finally came to their senses and realized that having the tractor say "Hydro 86" on one side, and "86 Hydro" on the other side was colossally stupid (JMHO).

I agree with Gary. Just use the same badge for both sides.

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