Pictures: Farmalls and other working tractors


Hello ALL: Almost 3 hours ago I posted this but it has not shown up. So again: I created my 1st Blog with pictures of Farmalls and other tractors and implements etc. This was from my buying a small farm 4 retirement. Click on ANY picture to enlarge it. Click on "OLDER post" lower right on each of 4 pages to get more pictures. About 25 pictures total. My 1st Blog so don't get pickey about text. I noticed my "wide ratio" new 22 inch Dell scaters text where all my other Dell LCD don't but pictures are OK and that's main thing. This is an attempt to say "Thanks" to all helpful posts in the past. Hope you enjoy my picture tour.
In case my link below doesn't work, cut-paste this-->
Thanks 4 all helpful info in the past. Agpilot
Farmalls and others, 25 pictures
Nice pics of some peaceful country.

Was it very difficult starting the blog and how did you decide what ssite to start it on.

I like that long stretch of furrowed ground, nice photo view from the cockpit of the M.

But I don't see any Pawnees, AgCats or Agtrucks.

Last time I was at Woodstock was in 1969 and I don't remember much about it except loud music, rain and horses.

Don't plan on fixing the cork on that gas cap gauage.unless you plan on hanging that assy. on a nail in your shop. When those corks come apart in the gas tank(trust me they will) they will shut off the fuel flow and will be a real pain to get all the pieces out of the gas tank!! Armand
Idaho Ron: aaah. I thought someone would spot that hand crank. Most often have it flat on platform where there is a clip to hold it in position. Factory position? I hand crank often just because I like to. Gives me a chance to try and catch the can that's on top of the muffler when engine starts.. Ag
Dellbertt: I used "Blogger" because it's about as easy to learn as any... so I was told. I'll now start using wordpress and google sites sometime this Winter.
This Woodstock is in MN but I'am old enough to remember hearing all about "The Woodstock."
All the Airplanes were sold. I'll probably go with a good enclosed ultralite. Maybe a Hawk just to buzz around looking at the crops at low level. I feel good at tree top levels. ag.
Dave S. Thank you for a nice comment about the layout. I debated that some... I am also using it to have friends out of state see where I live now. I wish I'd had a video camera mounted in the ag plane to capture some of the more interesting moments.. but I didn't, just a few still shots. Video from the tractor could be done.. and with sound. Gotta look into that. ag
Greetings from snowbound central NY (remember me with the Cherokee?) Very nice- only one picture with snow in it. I love your soil.
Raw in IA: I think I can relate to how you feel about tractors when you were growing up. That was a big reason I went back to a farm and Farmalls.
Take care. ag

Great pictures; I love the one from the seat!

I keep saying I should get up to Prairie Village more often, but the last few years always seemed to have this or that come up.
Hi Bob: yea, I remember you were kind enough to mention your extra belts for a Gleaner. Send me picture of your Cherokee when ever you get around to it.. The link on 2ed picture explaines soil out here on the Ridge. Last glacier sorta bypassed the ridge. Great history about how this area was formed over the last half million years or so. I've got quart bottle of ocean beach sand from the 500 foot bottom of a city well in Maple Plain MN. Wanna know how long ago that was layed down... History of soil is intetresting for sure.!! Largest fresh water lake the world ever had was just North of here 100 miles or so. Lake aggasie(sp) The MN river was its outlet.
Take care Bob. ag
" Maybe a Hawk just to buzz around looking at the crops at low level."

Watch out for them big props on the big poles off in the distance. Enjoyed your blog. David..............
GA Dave: quote: "big props on big poles"
ahhh, I'll just fly under them.. (grin)
Serious.. the tips stay 30-40 foot up off the ground.. it's ALL those dern power lines gathering up all the electric power to a central power station that clutters up the area. Really does. They say clean energy? Ya, if ya don't count the lost farm ground and many many miles of electric power lines AND new gravel road networks inter-connecting everything. Huge amount of clutter no one seems to mention. ag
Good stuff. My father and grandfather had a cotton farm in SE AR. All Farmall equip.

Father and family moved to WCental AR in'63 ( I was 6) All cattle, hay, dairy and chickens, John Deere.

Grandpa stayed and farmed cotton until '77. We still have land.....leased out. Lots of summers on Farmalls between '63 abd '77.

Still live same place WCentral AR now, cows and hay,JD stuff.

Great blog. Thanks.......
spiffy: Yes, the threshing show at Madison is wel worth "making time off" to go see for at least one day. ag

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