OT.Where is Al Gore when you need him


Wheres that d@#$% Al Gore when you need him.

The blizzzzzard that came across UT-MN hit the southern Michigan shore last night around 10p and has been wailing all night. Winds a constant 30-40mph and temps around 8F. At 8a the winds have subsided to about 10w/gusts to 30mph but it is snowing hard now. Seems like last fall went from 70F to 20F overnight and has been 20F every since.

I was scheduled wheels up at 7:45a but everything is cancelled so I"m home with my dog and some good coffee.
The Benton Harbor AWOS(airport weather observation service) reported "freezing fog" this morning. That"s a first for me, I deal with freezing rain all the time but not freezing fog. If anyone is interested you can call the BEH AWOS at 269-925-9008 t listen to the AWOS. You can also Google [(your nearest airport name)ATIS AWOS telephone],that will get you the number of your nearest service. All large and medium airports have this service.
All in all, spending a cold Sunday morning with my dog and some good coffee isnt all bad. It could be a lot worse.
Happy Holidays,
8 degrees above zero would feel like a heat wave right now. We"re at about -9. I doubt if Al Gore knows anything about it. He's probly snug as a bug in a rug with the thermostat set at 80.
It's headed this way. We had lots of rain last week, ground is very soft, not frozen yet. Add some ice and a good wind and we'll probably have trees down all over the place. Nothing to do but bring some extra firewood in the house and wait.
Wind chill in central Mn. is around -35 to -40 below. Had snow yesterday & just blowing it around today. Hard on the woodpile.
His thermostat can be set on 80* because he bought "carbon credits" from those of us who try to conserve. WHAT A CROCK.
Theres a ton of MONEY and POLITICS involved in all this Global Warming Cult Religion. I think Gore is an investor in one of those companies that you pay big bucks to and they give you a CARBON CERTIFICATE claiming they will plant trees or something to supposedly offset that nasty carbon you produced (you terrible vile creature). Im sure all the rich elitists Hollywood gang would pay millions just to hang those certificates on their wall to brag about yet jump in their private fuel guzzling jets to visit the Riviera while complaining about how my cows farting or my old 4x4 pickup or SUV is destroying the earth.

I figure mother earth has been here for a gazillion years and self healed itself when huge volcanoes and meteorite showers have wreaked more havoc then little old man (who in the big picture hasnt been here hardly any time at all) can produce.

Hey IM NOT saying the earth and climate dont undergo cyclical climate changes, didnt we have an ice age some years back and I recall in the seventies they warned of GLOBAL COOLING !! IM ONLY SAYING THERES MONEY N POLITICS AND A RELIGIOUS SORT OF CULT element in the so called global warming "crisis"

God Bless m Merry Christmas even if that offends many of the same atheists n secular humanists n politically correct Hollywwod leftists crowd, how come its okay for them to offend me (they tell me to be tolerant, they need to practice what they preach) but NOT okay if uttering Merry Christmas offends them (why cant they be tolerant too, how come FREE SPEECH and Freedom of Religion is meant for them ONLY lol ???????)

Sorry for the rant n rave but all this Politically Correct and Global Warming stuff and the destruction of of Christmas by the Left reallyyyyyyyyy has me steamed grrrrrrrrrrr

John T Christian Conservative Patriot n Old Fuddy Duddy lol
I just bundled up and went to see if the Sunday Paper had been delivered, of course it wasn’t, and to see how much of a blizzard we’ve had so far. The first indicator was a three foot drift against the kitchen door I had to shovel to get out. The second was when Gracie (those short legs make for a cold belly this time of year) jumped off the porch heading for the field to do her business and she almost disappeared in the snow.
We have a metal storm door and I notice as the temps get colder the dog always licks the door before she goes out, I guess it is to adjust to the cold temp.
Winds are pickin up again to about 45.
By the way, Gracie is 12 years old and can still give a rabbit a run for its money. Before you ask, her mother was a Chow mix (blue tongue) and looks like she prob has some corgi in her. Her front feet are larger than her back. Pretty good ol mutt by any standards.
Besides what you all said being true... the big thing the globalists want is a UN tax to fight the nasty things we are doing to the "planet".
This is what I like to hear, people that know how the world really works. Take one of those Hollywood types selling us GREEN, first they are approached by some big firm to do a commercial to help save the planet, only pays $2,000,000.00, but if your regular fee is 5 million, you can write off the difference as a charitible contribution, comes in handy at tax time. Another thing going on lately is a campaign, with TV commercials telling us to be careful and not say anything that a GAY person might find insulting, I wonder who is paying for that campaign, I'm sure it's costing me somewhere along the line. Enough ranting, I just want to say that cows farting is a good thing, plants need that to go green, and what could be more green than a working farm with a healthy wood lot, keep up the good work.
I don't know if I'm authorized, but I would like to add, MERRY CHRISTMAS and GOD BLESS!!
Bob S.
Well since the late 1970's I have planted about 7,000 trees on my property. I did a little research on the carbon credits thing. from what I could figure I could make about $200. I have been trying to contact Tom Cruise and Ophra Winfrey to see if they wont give me a couple million for my efforts, but so far no luck. The whole global warming thing is bunk!!!

I mean who melted the glaciers that were 40' thick here, the cave men??

This is just like the "Hole in the Ozone Layer" a few years back. From what I know about that "Crisis" was that the research was very flawed and that the CFC's were not really the cause. All it ended up was costing all of us a lot of money when they had to develop a new refrigerant to replace freon. So called experts many times turn out to just be big "blow hards" who get the attention of the press and/or some "Holywood Star Expert". As I get older I tend to believe less and less of this stuff. Roger
This the theory I have considering the recent news about a cow/methane tax; Dinosaur flatulence, cavemen discover fire= BIG BANG and global warming melted those glaciers.

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