Happy Thanksgiving

Just want to wish all you out there a Happy Thanksgiving and THANKS so much for all the good advice you providing me during the last year. It sure made it easier for me to get the Old M running again after being in the pasture for the past 25 years.
CHIEFEAVES, ya beat me to it... I was going to start a thread on "Happy Thanksgiving"! Thanks to all that has helped and put up with me and my projects.

I declare (with my limited powers) that all of the food consumed today be calori free. Happy Thanksgiving. Jim
Yes, Happy Thanksgiving to everyone! I don't often post, but I'm here a lot and this is the first place I come to when I need advice.
Thank you all, and have a great day.

Happy Thanksgiving everyone!
I spent the day out in the garage laying low, I learned long ago to stay out of the way when the Thanksgiving treats are being prepared.
Just finished Thanksgiving dinner now time to settle down in front of the TV. Life is good.
Bob S.
thanks gene!!!! hope you and your family have a great thanksgiving too!!!! (and dont be a shootin deer out the kitchen winder today!!!)
Chicken!! Around my house, I'm the cook, and I started in Tuesday mornin' gettin the fat and juice ready for my gravy. It ain't exactly like the cracklin's left from makin' lard, but the dog and the cats seem to really like the boiled out remains of that little exercise.

Yesterday was pie day. Today was wearin' an ugly look to scare folks away from my kitchen until I put the food on the table.

Bird, gravy, stuffin' (wet and dry), smashed garlic taters, squash, string beans, boiled onions and, for dessert, (all from scratch -- no pudding mixes allowed!) nanner cream pie, chocolate cream pie with raspberries, and another chocolate pie from a family recipe.

All true but, now removing tongue from cheek, Happy Thanksgiving to each and all of y'all! Hope you found as much joy in yours as I did in mine.
Hey Scotty! Just found the post you left for me the other day. You and I have so much in common we ought to be brothers! I'll say I hope you had a great turkey-day but, reading your other post, I can tell you did. Mom does Thanksgiving at our house but Christmas is 100% dad so I knows there is nothing in this world like watching them dig into 3-4 days worth of cooking! I also make everything from scratch right down to the stockpot. Just lately we have even started raising some of the meat ourselves and I have taken it a step further. I feed 'em special. Next year we are rasing the turkey ourselves. Gosh durn Labrador puppy worried our two meat toms to death and sent me to the store for a frozen one this year. Sounds like a wonderful time over your way and I hope it all came out of the oven done to a turn! Now start getting ready for Christmas!!!

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