IH 70 Plow reduce to 2 bottom?

If you can remove the beams that hold those last two bottoms, and attach the tail wheel to the remaining two bottoms, then yes.
I have a 2 bottom IH pull plow rope trip on steel that I would sell. Don't know how to price it but was wondering if there is any market for these things. It may be a Little Genius. If there isn't any Market for it I may sell it for scrap iron,It is fairly heavy. I am in Tn.Ed
Hey Farmall Ed,
Please don't scrap that old Little Genius. Owning one of those is better than a CD in a bank, it's value grows much faster. If you have good-to-real-good moldboards on it you should find a buyer real quick. "Plow Days" are becoming more popular all the time and that plow is highly sought after for those events. Value?
Start at $250, it will be a steal at $150. Even using it for "yard art" is better than scraping it.
LA in WI
farmer ed from tn can you tell me where in tn you are located as i am leaveing for tn monday april 6 to pick up another plow i bough last summer and have room on the trailer for another
I live 25 miles southeast of Nashville,In Smyrna Tn. I will try to post a picture of the plow this week end so you can see it. I am at work now and the picture is on my home computer.Ed
Rusty: One problem, the front wheel rockshafts on a No. 70 plow go through 3 and 4 plow beams depending on the model. (minamum 3 beams) Then when you get that one solved the axle rockshafts on a No. 70 are set back on plow beams about 18" compared to a two bottom plow. Left axle rockshaft crosses directly over shin of second moldboard. Right axle rockshaft crosses directly over front bottom shin. Once you remove the two back bottoms and beams, the back wheel lifts and plow nosedives.

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